Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Duration: 81 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-18 22:50:23
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

RaskellTube is the new Nalts. Guy gets his 3 kids to perform complicated bits, with complex lines. How? Better bribes than Nalts can afford.

jay33142 ::: Favorites
great kids-- wanna trade--lol, just kidding
07-02-21 11:52:43
IFGDunn ::: Favorites
Little Naltys are so awesome!
07-02-24 00:53:53
doubledutchtracy ::: Favorites
That is so awesome! Your kids are so cute...and smart too :)
07-02-24 05:14:29
MSJelin ::: Favorites
I actually subscribed to RaskellTube right before I left on vacation. And I come back to see this... Coincidence? I think not!
07-02-25 11:16:58
LilacCrew ::: Favorites
Ah, but you must first spell it right! RASKELLTUBE
07-03-10 00:59:32
LilacCrew ::: Favorites
go away...far, far away
07-03-10 01:02:02
CooleChicka ::: Favorites
you are better..
07-03-14 11:23:02
Juhsayngul ::: Favorites
Your kids are much better actors than they are, don't worry.
07-04-03 20:15:43
sevenrd ::: Favorites
i wont
07-04-07 01:10:57
JarquaFelmu ::: Favorites
Kids say the darndst things? What? ^^.
07-05-11 21:19:48

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