Wednesday, August 8, 2007

大小愛吃 - 蕭敬騰.黑蜘蛛害羞上菜(下) part4

Duration: 493 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-25 02:32:31
User: hahahaheb
:::: Favorites

大小愛吃 - 20070724 來賓:蕭敬騰

Addikdet ::: Favorites
07-07-26 14:38:28
rockenthehouse ::: Favorites
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07-07-26 18:21:40
dualcore99 ::: Favorites
i have no video
07-07-26 21:55:36
tackyace ::: Favorites
This guy is very versatile.....
07-07-27 13:09:41
blancaespirit ::: Favorites
really good voice
07-07-27 18:55:36
tikkibierga ::: Favorites
He's so cute...
07-07-28 22:15:22
durhh ::: Favorites
Fans of S.H.E! Pls support at w ww.yo utu be.c o m/gr oup/SH Eu ni [remove the spaces] i really need you guys to help me and help to get this grp go wow!! Pls join! you can also post things there to call ppl to suppot them more! PLS JOIN! Call your friends too!
07-07-29 02:56:21
jovenaloon ::: Favorites
lol he sounds and looks different when he is singing. he seems to have a soul. otherwise, he looks very dead and very wood. aiyo
07-07-30 17:44:19
cracker680 ::: Favorites
i love how he sings all these songs with out like the lyrics or anything and he plays the music without sheet music ... i realli think thats talent ... and these songs are randomly choosen on the spot
07-08-02 23:46:49
kayteeW ::: Favorites
holy shit (^%&#^#(&%^@ like wtf he is able to sing and play every song they request
07-08-06 10:01:40

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