Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Nocturnal Sleep Stealer

Duration: 41 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-25 04:11:03
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

He steals your sleep with his annoying repetitive sounds. What is he? A hamster. Going to the lowest bidder. No refunds accepted.

w0rldpeace ::: Favorites
man you have to CLEAN that shit?! ugh
06-11-03 03:43:35
nalts ::: Favorites
Actually it's a battle to see who will clean his cage next. A battle I don't intend to lose.
06-11-03 04:18:12
w0rldpeace ::: Favorites
there you are ... good luck, mate. <han>You're gonna need it.</han>
06-11-03 04:21:44
Schmooze84 ::: Favorites
Dude, my hamster has that same cage! Solution, at night, take away his curvy ladder thing and replace it with a cage-side wheel..slightly quieter. My hamster used to do the exact same thing. His name is Jpeg.
06-11-30 15:26:03
Sreyam ::: Favorites
I have the same cage it's so annoying, you put food in there and they fill there cheaks and take it into there wheel.. And I tryed taking the ladder away but she knows how to climb in there either way.
06-12-20 07:24:49
clutterbunny ::: Favorites
Oh gawd, I know your pain! I have one & he has taken to scratching at the little covers over the holes in his cage. They have tiny little circles in them to allow air to circulate, & he scratches.. & scratches.. & scratches until I give him food. But he's not happy with the food either.. It's not good enough.. It's not the right kind.. It's not something different.. AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! They were so cute until I had one =P
07-01-30 02:33:15
Diddoddi ::: Favorites
yes...they're really annoying...
07-02-08 16:26:06
DavidHN ::: Favorites
Is that the Critter Trail X? I have one of those, he puts his food in it so it moves around, I finally taped it to the wall. Now I can sleep! Joy!
07-04-22 22:15:11
redbomber70 ::: Favorites
i have that cage
07-07-07 00:01:10
Deadbirdcheese ::: Favorites
Omg...I remember when I had a gerbil AND hamster in my room. I moved them away from my room and kept my door shut completely...xD
07-07-17 23:21:38

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