Wednesday, August 8, 2007

#19 Saki Time (GooTubeConspiracy)

Duration: 101 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-13 18:02:57
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

I called home today. My wife and family miss me. Still- Pippistrelli and I took some time to toast.

nalts ::: Favorites
He's still asleep and he sleeps with his wallet. Plus- I can't move him.
06-12-14 05:42:05
Argent009 ::: Favorites
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're small. Ok, here's how you do it, he's got to shower sometime, right? When he's showering he can't take his wallet in there with him, check then! In any case, I'll just get these iScream Clone Detectors made up and distributed.
06-12-14 07:30:42
myplanetstar ::: Favorites
I could clearly hear door being opened and closed, someone's hiding in that house! Be careful.
06-12-14 08:55:33
welcomestranger ::: Favorites
I'm glad to see the table has "protection" on... when it's saki time, it's easy for things to get out of hand and before you know it, you've got a bedside-table or worse still, a nest of tables to deal with...
06-12-14 09:27:39
tripplehelix ::: Favorites
Plastic covered table!! HAHA... Whats that 'sucky time' thing? lol I think the baddie should find you at home and kidnap your family and leave you at home. Then you can twist the story and try to find your kids and wife.
06-12-14 12:10:54
geezerart ::: Favorites
It's always Saki Time! And from what we can tell we are all going to need some! I think something is going on all over the country! Mrs. GeezerArt
06-12-14 14:05:42
nalts ::: Favorites
It's a table condom. They come in flavors.
06-12-14 15:35:29
nalts ::: Favorites
The Saki makes it okay for a while, though.
06-12-14 15:42:01
BrYanwithaY1986 ::: Favorites
I don't....get it...
07-01-28 01:36:01
merryeri ::: Favorites
it's sake btw.
07-04-04 05:52:11

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