Friday, November 30, 2007

toño espindola fox

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-11 21:19:17
User: themorefamous
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esta vez toño nos indica como fue amenazado por los miembros de una televisora local.


you2212 ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 15:01:43

esemi zura! jajate la rifaste cn ese video es lamamada jajajaja
betotheboss ::: Favorites  2007-08-18 14:37:06

jajajaja que jalada
marlonsillo ::: Favorites  2007-09-22 16:54:59

se mamo we xD chido
enriquevera2000 ::: Favorites  2007-10-09 00:25:45

Sta bien maniako el Tonio... a mi me reseto con una frasezilla Maniakul : YO ERA CICLISTA PROFESIONAL DEL TALLER LUNA, ES QUE DEBES CORRER CIRCUITOS CIRCUITOS EN LA DE 20.. EN LA DE 20 DE NOVIEMBRE.. Maniako el bato pero chido
reancha ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 21:32:43

ta bien perrote jajajajaj
p4nkes1to ::: Favorites  2007-10-18 15:58:51

los de la television del canal 12 me apuntaron con una pistola! los de la television del canal 12 me apuntaron con una pistola! los de la television del canal 12 me apuntaron con una pistola! los de la television del canal 12 me apuntaron con una pistola! los de la television del canal 12 me apuntaron con una pistola! los de la television del canal 12 me apuntaron con una pistola! los de la television del canal 12 me apuntaron
azhvn ::: Favorites  2007-10-19 00:55:33

jajajajaja me a tocado verlo en vivo y a todo color.. pero cuando decia: "MI PAPA ES FOX" jajajajaja se paso de lanza el we
figuexcore ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 19:52:54

mattxcore15 ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 20:22:35

hahahahaha chingon XD
posdatateodioo ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 17:38:20

esa mamada XD...
adrianlv89 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 19:00:28

rulitopechocho ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 20:59:19

io quiero conocerlo! jajaja
omargp ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 13:55:45

queda claro quien son los mames..jajaja!!!
nandyjonson ::: Favorites  2007-10-29 20:57:58

jajaja, cuando se rie al final no mamen!!! Y ESA FUE UNA DE LAS CELEBRIDADES DE LA FARANDULA DURANGUENSE
flyslaier ::: Favorites  2007-10-29 21:41:10

pinches del canal 12 k chingen a su madre

"Just Married" video

Duration: 05:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-10 04:28:45
User: Vintagess
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Montage of "Just Married" scenes featuring Ashton Kutcher (Tom Leezak) and Brittany Murphy (Sarah McNerney); a brief video summary of the movie's plot. Featured song: "At The Beginning" by Donna Lewis & Richard Marx (Please excuse the CRAPPY editing.)


nuttyducky29 ::: Favorites  2006-09-11 16:24:49

Cute! good summary video
kleuphe ::: Favorites  2006-09-18 13:30:07

yeah it's good, Brittany's amazing :D
misslizziesparrow ::: Favorites  2006-09-20 16:55:46

i love that film its really funni and a gr8 film to watch when feeling depressed lol
superstaranisha ::: Favorites  2006-09-26 02:45:07

could some1 upload the whole movie plz
hello7719 ::: Favorites  2006-09-27 08:41:28

C'est un super film. Comment s'appelle la grande soeur de Brittany (la blonde magnifique)?
foxygirl21591 ::: Favorites  2006-10-07 00:54:24

cute song!! love this movie...really good summary, i liked it!
MomentsAtHeart ::: Favorites  2006-10-11 21:11:47

anthivicky ::: Favorites  2006-11-05 04:09:17

ashton is such a gorgeous and talented actor!
ulyguy ::: Favorites  2006-11-08 05:53:37

he is my husband:)
01xGemsx01 ::: Favorites  2006-11-08 14:36:57

I love this movie, this song and especially Ashton Kutcher =) Georgus ;)
mochtenvousessavoir ::: Favorites  2006-12-02 19:41:03

I am dying to see this movie! Good montage, by the way. :D
littleface123 ::: Favorites  2006-12-07 18:10:25

it the whole movie in 5 minutes!!
SilentBells ::: Favorites  2006-12-20 21:32:36

Such a cute movie
nicolina1990 ::: Favorites  2006-12-25 18:26:57

Whats the song on this video?
blitz909090 ::: Favorites  2007-02-02 01:35:29

whats song called?

bimotor en monterrey

Duration: 06:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-07 16:53:29
User: felixvazq
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Bimotor Rock Chihuahua, Chih. México


jorgebimotor ::: Favorites  2007-06-22 02:29:50

jejeje yo soy el de la playera roja, chido no??
mecota11 ::: Favorites  2007-06-22 02:36:36

locaapestosa loves BIMOTOR!!!!!! espero que les este llendo super chingooooon :D y pues ya saben que departe mia hay mucho apoyo. Me gusto mucho el video, la vdd les quedo chido chido ;], e insistooooo! hay un integrante que me gusta pero yaaaa yaaa no lo dire xD jajajajajajaja pero ya saben que todos estan muy guapos heee :D bueno siganle tocando duro :D mucha suerte y que esten muy bien!, byee la locaapestosa!!
valeryrocks ::: Favorites  2007-06-22 17:31:41

tevesmejor ::: Favorites  2007-06-22 19:54:05

eiii c vee qe les esta iendoo superr biieen netoo un shorroo de suerte en tdooo ustedes sabbeeen qe aQii tieenen una Faan d Coorazoon jaja netoo stoi sperando diisqiitoo:D Son una bandaa bieen alpedaa! siiGan asii & vaan a iegarr bieen Lejoosss saluudiiinesss Chiidoo shavooss cLes qiere!
tevesmejor ::: Favorites  2007-06-25 00:09:08

atte Samantthaa!

volverte a amar- version de camila

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-16 22:06:41
User: driftingboyy
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esta es una cancion que canta alejandra guzman, pero originalmente es del grupo camila y me gusta mucho, espero que les guste, comentenlee porfaaas


oskarito ::: Favorites  2007-06-17 04:26:36

a webo cabron!! tenias k ser de chiwas!! puro cabron k somos jajaa, mui buena bro, t felicito!! neta bn chido
mecota11 ::: Favorites  2007-06-17 13:53:40

pinche rochiiiin weii te quedo bien bonita la canciooon! y de hecho cantas muy bien! y el sentimiento con el que cantas tmb esta bien hee! y escogiste la mejor cancion de camilaaaa!! :D tkmm weii!
ladepp ::: Favorites  2007-06-18 01:39:22

aaaaai weeee!!! te inspiraste jajaja xD..!! te salió asi al zhen kbroOon..!! ya listo para stanzi a wbop!! chidoo weee sigaa grabandoo cuidec y k-milOo 4evoOo**
gabyn8a ::: Favorites  2007-06-19 01:11:04

heeey jorgeee no sabia que cantabass pero wow, cantas mui lindo:)
Ruisukid ::: Favorites  2007-07-26 14:33:55

quedo buena tu version man es una de las mas limpias q me he encontrado por estos rumbos
edbyc ::: Favorites  2007-07-26 20:28:14

ejejeeey Tokas muy bien Felicidades... cantan muy bien tambien pero no entiendo... el primer acorde q pisas es re no? pero entonces la cansion esta en C# sera k tines la guitarra #-? bueno respondeme si?
edbyc ::: Favorites  2007-07-26 20:35:30

eeey pero muchacho tu toka eso igualito, mira te felicito te kedo nitido, pero no entiendo... el primer acorde q pisas es Re no?... bueno pero lo k pasa es k la cansion esta en C#, entonces sera k tienes la guitarra a -# tono? bueno tengo esa duda, respondeme sigue asi!!
pantro111 ::: Favorites  2007-08-01 23:30:14

te quedo de putisima madre!!! desde que vi tus primeros acordes supe que eras bueno, aunque deberias conocer una mejor camara...
aon00 ::: Favorites  2007-08-04 22:00:48

felicidades xarnal t salio super bien la rolaa echele ganas sigale asi haha aon_loko_boy@hotm..
mndomndz ::: Favorites  2007-08-07 01:07:57

WOOW esta conmadre compadre sigue subiendo rolaas aparte muy bien gusto con la rola que escogiste Checa mi version haz click en mi user =)sbs cuidate
avarceo88 ::: Favorites  2007-08-08 20:58:48

men te quedo chida la cancion! yo tengo la misma pero me gusta mas como la tocas con tu guiterra
ceforma ::: Favorites  2007-09-07 20:13:42

muy bien carnal, cantas chingon pero ahi por ahi como 2 acordes q te faltan echale ganas y sigue tokando , practica un poko ti tecnika en la lira byebye "hugol19"
balmonic ::: Favorites  2007-09-13 22:39:40

bien flakito con la cancion te salio bacan
Hedherk ::: Favorites  2007-09-26 17:43:26

oye mano ,esta vacan la cancion,ah ,, estoy q la busco , por inter y no hallo los arpegios , ,, un favor ,,si puedes me pasas los arpegios de la cancion ps,,..yo tambien estoy aprendiendo ,,.y aquisiera manejar bien ,,aui esta mi msn ninaherles@hotmail...., me la mandas ,,,BYE Y . sigue adelante
Hedherk ::: Favorites  2007-09-26 17:47:49

esa chevere la cancion , sabes estoy buscando los arpegios de la cancion ps y no la encuentro ,un favor me podrias mandar la cancion ,..yo tambien estoy aprendiendo ,,.y aquisiera manejar bien ,,aui esta mi msn ninaherles@hotmail...., me la mandas si no es mucha molestia ,,,BYE Y . sigue adelante....fewlicidades

bebe hot

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-01 23:14:01
User: coyotextreme
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aca hay un video de la primera incurcion sexual de este bebe... jjajaa


reforma, conductores agresivos

Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-20 03:12:59
User: reyesq
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un video que hizo periodico REFORMA en el cual muestra la agresividad de las personas al volante y al final sale un señor ya grande muy prepotente


zethicus ::: Favorites  2007-07-28 18:49:04

Jaja a diferencia tuya a mi si me gusto tu video esta bonito. Io manejo bien agresivo tmb <3.
costegabo ::: Favorites  2007-09-24 17:35:42

jajajajaja "si yo paso por aqui y te escupo y te mando a chingar a tu madre" pinche viejo drogado0o0o0o
harry874 ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 18:39:47

jajajajjaajjajajajaajjajajaj jajaja pinche ruco pendejo " saca a los de las pistolas " seras pendejo pinche vejete
reyesq ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 00:48:05

dato curioso: dense cuenta tambien la manera tan mediocre de pensar del reportero, cuando le dice al de la moto que le avientan el coche por que trae un mini cooper cuando eso ni va al caso, pero existe gente con resentimiento a alguien que trae algo de valor. escribi ese comentario en su periodico y nunka lo subieron y segun hablan ellos de la libre expresion y opinion publica.
elmexicanocanadiense ::: Favorites  2007-10-17 15:50:01

el defectuoso es una gran cagada
elmexicanocanadiense ::: Favorites  2007-10-17 15:53:41

que bueno que me largue de esa pinche ciudad de mierda
hanibalelcanibal ::: Favorites  2007-10-19 02:20:03

el fue,es y segura siendo un pendejo PINCHE ANSIANO DE PORQUERIA
gtarriba ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 21:52:16

Esa frase está buenísima: "Yo vengo mucho y te escupo, y te mando a chingar a tu madre" !!!
INGINzaNe ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 17:55:21

jaja se te hace mucho un cooper ? :) huy! no te imagino a ti, serias peor que pto viejo ese prepotente.
INGINzaNe ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 17:58:50

ptos ancianos prepotentes, y el pche policia que no lo detiene, y el guarda espaldas todo imbecil secundando al senil, jaja ... un dia vi algo parecido, un prepotente dos escoltas, una persona "comun" que fue "agandallada" por los primeros, hace unas llamaditas, metros adelante madres, me los bajan a utazos a escoltas y al anciano,el sr. este era el subdelegado de la pgr en mty, jaja ...:)
reyesq ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 20:41:46

aprende a entender lo que lees y luego comentas y de hecho tienes la mentalidad de el pobre reportero.
INGINzaNe ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 21:38:20

jaja oye wei, habra una vacante mas por alla? pero que no sea de lavaplatos, o en el carwash :)
gtirvr6 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 21:02:08

lamentablemente la pinche poli tiene mucho que ver por las actitudes del conductor lo que si es una mamada es el pinche ruco que se siente con el poder de humillar a cualquier persona un plomaso para que se le quite lo pinche mamon todos somos iguales

Canton Ohio Cook-out

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-06 13:07:42
User: etajerefamily
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richard nelson cook-out


jtbull7597 ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 11:01:04

dont get lost in tha woods niggers no one will be able to find u. Thats y africa has white sand so u want get lost FUCK YOU NIGS

Police Brutality

Duration: 02:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-01 11:29:18
User: aumf25
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who do we fear, who do we trust, how do we know?


attalahotboy ::: Favorites  2007-01-23 17:27:35

redraider1507 ::: Favorites  2007-01-23 20:03:28

These cops are lil bitches
vague777 ::: Favorites  2007-01-27 04:32:27

break the law...resist police...get an ass whippin..seems fair to me....dont be ass whippin..simple
zimkartracer42 ::: Favorites  2007-01-31 18:50:14

polar40bear must be a criminal,or a sand nigger. i wish i could meet you in a dark alley. and you wonder why cops shoot ppl? go back to mexico/iraq, wherever you vermin come from. if you ever met me you would be crying to your mamma,when i begin thrashing you. go away scumbags.
bdcochran ::: Favorites  2007-01-31 20:12:35

The real brutality is the poor choice of music. The woman on the ground was not restrained and was resisting.
allenamerica ::: Favorites  2007-01-31 20:45:33

it's weird that people either a) deny that what is being depicted in this video is brutality; or b) think that the people depicted in this video deserve a beating. and that one dude said "sand n---r"! to that dude i say: leave your computer leave your house leave the town where you live leave the state where you live cross the mississippi leave america then talk to us when you're done with all that.
freeker1 ::: Favorites  2007-02-01 06:18:21 either need glasses, or you are a fucking moron. This clearly is police brutality you stupid fucking pig lover.
freeker1 ::: Favorites  2007-02-01 06:19:24

to allanamerica...woops I take back what I are correct !!! FUCK THE POPO !!!
aumf25 ::: Favorites  2007-02-01 06:22:47

wow. you people really missed the point. the video says "fuck police BRUTALITY" not kill the police. the idea was supposed to be to get peoples attention and take a stand against these types of actions. not all police are bed, but the ones who are should be held to more responsibility for their actions. you people who want to "kill the police" are no better than the cops who beat people.
webbm00001 ::: Favorites  2007-02-01 21:27:03

Go watch Chris Rocks video on how not to get your ass beat by the cops. And none of this will ever happen to you.
sparkieldy ::: Favorites  2007-02-03 11:12:52

first, you have no idea what took place prior to the conveniently edited clips seen here. Yes, there are instances of police brutality, however, the whole story is rarely thrown around like the snippets shown. "We" see a portion of film and not the rest. Ultimately, it comes to this; (my opinion and I'm not exactly Ms. Law-abiding citizen, myself) you commit a crime and especially resist arrest you have earned the wrath that rains upon you.
sparkieldy ::: Favorites  2007-02-03 11:13:11

I do recognize there are cases where police brutality was unprovoked. Not nearly as frequent as this type of video leads one to believe, though. I hope the day never comes when you need the police, they may all be dead (as you wished) and you'll be on your own.
Airforcing ::: Favorites  2007-02-03 18:33:46

This is the best clip and very representative of many of the confrontations I have seen in my life. Well organized clips, I feel sorry when one of them PIGS dies they expropriated our tax money to feel sorry for a pig that might have beaten your mother or father. I do NOT feel when I see a cop get clip by a criminal. However, I resent all the commossion given to them pigs when they die, above all and everything I resent the attention they get plus the accord their body receives.
Senses0685 ::: Favorites  2007-02-09 10:12:56

well two things i disagree with, the woman getting tazed was not resisting, and the elderly woman who in the vid was claimed to have only been speeding was a lie, watch the whole clip she refused to stop, he actually should have held her at gun point not pulling her out. Most of the other stuff was over the line.
mmanna82 ::: Favorites  2007-02-09 21:54:06

As stated before, it's nice that you've decided to show the parts of the clips where the police are retaliating against the subjects. You don't show what happened 5 seconds before. But no, of course we have no interest in a completely impartial view of this, that would negate the purpose of your intent and this video.

#13.2 - Islands - Volcanoes

Duration: 07:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-27 08:38:41
User: LaBlogotheque
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Second part of Islands' Concert à emporter. They went quietly wild in the streets of Paris. They had people dancing at their balconies, they stopped cars, and Kate even climbed a taxi. Volcanoes was like a night "épopée". shot by Jeremiah : -- Deuxième chanson issue du Concert à emporter des Islands. Il chantent Volcanoes en descendant la rue de Ménilmontant, ils font danser les gens à leur balcon, ils arrêtent les voitures, ils grimpent sur des taxis, il jouent leur morceau comme une épopée de nuit. Magique. filmé, monté par Jeremiah :


Fynci ::: Favorites  2006-08-28 07:17:26

bajooby ::: Favorites  2006-08-29 11:27:48

ozielbuciovalencia ::: Favorites  2006-09-03 15:26:07

snoogatron ::: Favorites  2006-09-04 01:49:01

laudatory adjective beginning with 'a'
vb7000 ::: Favorites  2006-09-07 07:00:03

Everything about this is perfect.
jeangeniex3 ::: Favorites  2006-09-20 02:44:45

moonagedaydream201 ::: Favorites  2006-10-02 16:36:18

smellsmellsmellsmell ::: Favorites  2006-11-05 17:23:55

goggor ::: Favorites  2007-01-21 14:53:50

lexsousa ::: Favorites  2007-01-24 18:33:59

alemband ::: Favorites  2007-02-13 13:40:03

andreaharvey ::: Favorites  2007-03-01 18:51:21

ablolutely the very best
georgebrower ::: Favorites  2007-03-02 23:36:29

its pissing me off that she can't figure out how to use that tambourine
CountD42 ::: Favorites  2007-03-13 22:59:57

smeezh ::: Favorites  2007-03-16 05:20:35

get that girl off the tambourine.

#13.1 - Islands - Don't call me Whitney, Bobby

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-27 07:44:57
User: LaBlogotheque
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The "Concerts à emporter" are back, with the Canadian band "Islands". We filmed them in July, on a warn night in a popular street in Paris. First, they sang "Don't call me Whitney, Bobby" at the corner of a street like if it was a lullaby. shot by Jeremiah : -- L'été est fini, les Concerts à emporter sont de retour avec le groupe Islands, filmé dans une chaude nuit de juillet, après leur Concert à la Maroquinerie. Sur ce coin de rue, devant un pochoir de Nemo, ils ont chanté "Don't call me Whitney, Bobby" comme si c'était une berceuse. filmé, monté par Jeremiah :


bajooby ::: Favorites  2006-08-29 11:23:08

neutronflare47 ::: Favorites  2006-09-03 16:38:53

insanely beautiful
vb7000 ::: Favorites  2006-09-07 06:49:44

socorrita ::: Favorites  2006-09-23 17:42:45

loooggghhhveeeeddd it!!!!
jould ::: Favorites  2006-10-01 18:52:27

this is one reason islands is one of my favorite bands nowadays
GiveMeCandy ::: Favorites  2006-11-02 23:44:24

that was marvelous.
offthelassitercoast ::: Favorites  2006-11-19 14:11:30

this makes my heart so happy
thomasunnamed ::: Favorites  2006-12-19 07:22:32

macignition ::: Favorites  2007-02-04 04:21:25

wow this folkish version rocks!!!
ericandthelakeslakes ::: Favorites  2007-03-02 16:42:12

recently discovering islands has made my heart whole again
smeezh ::: Favorites  2007-03-16 05:30:34

at first i wasn't sure about this version, but it grew on me as it went on. a whole lot better with that awful tambourine.
pompadourssuck ::: Favorites  2007-03-22 21:49:07

this version is so great
Applebaum ::: Favorites  2007-03-27 22:12:07

its all about the bassoon!
smeezh ::: Favorites  2007-04-01 15:40:40

bass clarinet*
Sinatrixx ::: Favorites  2007-05-24 02:46:11

I bet they got high. It makes a lot more sense then.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

GH3: Cult of Personality

Duration: 06:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-12 17:00:42
User: phieaglesphan
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5 stars, 254k, 90% notes, 308 streak. Could have done way better on the solo, but I survived.


joeypln ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 19:42:14

hi max

Andrew Arsinahole

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-06 20:53:45
User: cupcakeeater15
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(he is a fag) and racist to


cupcakeeater15 ::: Favorites  2007-11-13 19:14:45

mckenziejg01 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 16:05:31

you are dissing the song man but !go black people! and andrew is a queer
cupcakeeater15 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 16:06:36

how the fuck am i dissing the song

Re: Reply to Bantrum (Part 1) - Iraq War

Duration: 10:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-14 17:40:10
User: Bantrum
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A video response to


fmm3 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 19:37:39

crazycatfguy ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:14:09

It is hard to believe we learned nothing from Vietnam. If you can't win the only question is how many soldiers have to die before you support cut and run. The "it will be a disaster if we leave" argument got an additional 50 thousand troops killed in Vietnam and because we could not win it was inevitable the disaster would happen anyway.
CrazyRepublican101 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:27:22

My friend, in both videos you took so much of my stuff out of context.... WOW What ever, hopefully we can address those issues on that website you suggested, I'll get back to you when I sign up and come up with a date..... Until then best of luck!!! I highly recommend you re-watch my video... lol
jwein8282000 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:31:45

BAGHDAD — U.S. and Iraqi forces killed an estimated 15 al-Qaeda gunmen during a fierce battle south of Baghdad after the militants launched a major attack on recently formed neighborhood patrols, the U.S. military said Tuesday.
jwein8282000 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:36:53

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's Shiite-led government has voiced suspicion of such armed groups, which are made up predominantly of Sunni Arabs. A number of local guards are former insurgents who have since turned against al-Qaeda.
jwein8282000 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:37:13

Col. Terry Ferrell, commander of U.S. troops in the Adwaniya area, said U.S. and Iraqi ground forces and U.S. helicopters and warplanes were used to repel the attack. Two members of the 100-strong Adwaniya "concerned citizens" unit, set up only a week ago, were killed.
jwein8282000 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:38:32

"The attack was focused specifically on the 'concerned citizens' and on their checkpoints," Ferrell said. Such groups first emerged last year when Sunni Arab tribal leaders, tired of al-Qaeda's indiscriminate killings and strict interpretation of Islam, set up neighborhood police units in Anbar province. NOTICE INDISCRIMINATE killings.... Iraqis are fed up with this shit.
jwein8282000 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:40:13

Anbar, once the heart of the Sunni Muslim insurgency, is now relatively peaceful, and the U.S. military has been spreading Anbar's model into other Sunni Arab and Shiite areas. About 70,000 Iraqis so far have been registered across Iraq under the neighborhood security plan.
jwein8282000 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:41:06

Improving security has allowed the U.S. military to begin drawing down some of its troops. The U.S. military is starting to send 3,000 soldiers from a U.S. combat brigade home from volatile Diyala province, northeast of Baghdad, U.S. military officials said Tuesday.
Bantrum ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:48:32

CrazyRepublican101, I wrote down your points one by one and addressed them in order. I took nothing out of context, I even tried to clear up misconceptions that you yourself asked for clarification on. I will await your reply regarding the time you'd like to meet on stickam. I have no inclination to re-watch your vid, as I thoroughly watched it to begin with. Take care.
Bantrum ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 20:49:14

Jwein, i'd appreciate it if you did not spam propaganda news articles on my comments section, that alone took up 6 comments of "cut and paste", thanks.
StrongMafia ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 22:51:49

Please don't waste your time with the person "RevolutionOfCG". I listen to him, bad reasoning, lies, twisting facts. But maybe most people justify the Abu Gharib scenes we saw.
crazycatfguy ::: Favorites  2007-11-15 03:10:47

The US military said that? When you have a credible source come back and see us.
crazycatfguy ::: Favorites  2007-11-15 03:16:45

Intelligent people have disagreed with each other for centuries. A consensus has come about as to what is and what is not a legitimate argument Bantrum understands this and I suspect you do not.
rabelai2006 ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 00:16:57

Why are everybody still talking of this 650.000 dead in Iraq. This is an ancient number, how old is it again? 2 years ago. The deaths have probably reached million now, excluding all the deaths prior to the invasion, that is to say the embargo on Iraq etc.