Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Overlander.tv - Way of Saint James Documentary Preview

Duration: 09:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 04:07:35
User: overlander
:::: Favorites

The Camino was the hardest and most amazing thing I have ever done. Where do I start? -The history of the place is unbelievable...one night I stayed in a 12th century Refugio. The way even predates Christianity as it was used by The Celts following the Milky Way -The people, I met people from all round the world, all doing the Camino for their own personal reason. The comradeship and friendships you make on the way are fantastic What did I get out of it? I took my video camera and have shot a doco. I lugged 18 kg of gear for nearly 800 km over 34 days...I lost 8 kilos Was it a spiritual experience? Yes, I started from square one with my belief system. I see the Camino as a purification process, a purification of body and of mind. Some say there are 3 stages, the physical, the mental or emotional and the spiritual. Physical - go thru pain, blisters etc, ends in a euphoric feeling similar to a runners high Mental or emotional - when you hit the flat lands of the meseta between Burgos and Leon you've been walking for about 2 weeks and it is no longer fun, the distances between towns can be as much as 18 kms, Anything that doesn't allow you to be 'in the moment' acts as a distraction, e.g. looking at your watch, wanting a coffee in the next town. All the problem areas of your life well up in you and you are tested, many return to old addictions, for me cigarettes. This staged ends with a feeling of being 'in the moment' and appreciating the nature around you, meditating Spiritual - The Camino becomes a walking meditation, you feel in tune with nature and I myself felt protected (by god) You learn to 'go with the flow' and not so much impose your own will on the happenings of the day. you start to realize a lot of your worries are your own making. I also had a miracle happen which informed me there is a god, my whole belief system has changed....I no longer believe in the term sin, but I do believe we make mistakes, have the free will to make mistakes and that even thinking a negative thought takes us away from our relationship with our creator

marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-03-14 09:23:37
EverImproving ::: Favorites
cool im going to walk from le Puy to Santiago this summer....cant wait!
07-03-16 14:04:06
Cassandraberry ::: Favorites
Thank you Overlander for posting this. I walked the same distance as you in 1999 and there is no doubt that the experience had an enormous impact on my life. Your comments and reflections (especially..."I hate...!") brought back a lot of memories. Ultreia y Buen Camino TRacy
07-05-12 14:01:37
sharfrantan ::: Favorites
Loved it!
07-07-13 21:34:22
straydog ::: Favorites
Beautiful. You bought the feeling in the stages of the camino that couldn't normally be captured properly in pictures or films.
07-07-14 02:27:15
overlander ::: Favorites
thanks straydog, it has been a hard project for me to complete, a very personal revealing journey, your comments help
07-07-14 05:41:25
steelein ::: Favorites
great job
07-07-17 09:44:17
Garate77 ::: Favorites
Great video. Buen camino.
07-07-18 14:45:54

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