Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Killing Joke Love Like Blood video

Duration: 04:27 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-31 20:46:49
User: polexia5000
:::: Favorites

the video for Love Like Blood

someblokecalledchris ::: Favorites
if people know there music from the 80's they will like this ..who cares what others think ..i say don't play it!classic....
07-08-01 16:19:06
KingofCzars1 ::: Favorites
Great memories with this song...it's a classic.
07-08-02 18:23:40
bloobloos ::: Favorites
I,ve always loved this song, it just clicks!
07-08-11 17:06:11
bobinchainz ::: Favorites
ive been into these guys since 15 minutes ago and i thought i knew every fuckin band that isnt too popular yet still kicked amazing amounts of ass and i cant stop listening to these guys....why didnt you bastards tell me about em?
07-08-12 23:11:29
SomethingFoutis ::: Favorites
i love these guys!!!
07-08-13 23:33:08
neo80s ::: Favorites
pyewacket = LOSER
07-08-16 21:04:33
neo80s ::: Favorites
Glad you finally found out bob.
07-08-16 21:05:48
Uinta1964 ::: Favorites
150% - able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Shriekback !
07-08-19 09:21:07
neo80s ::: Favorites
Get real, shriekback was a novelty act. Lined up was their anthem. Kj influenced so many.
07-08-19 11:34:04
fromdeepitcame ::: Favorites
cool cool song
07-08-20 02:21:47

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