Monday, August 20, 2007

Victor Oganov vs Richard Grant

Duration: 11:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-26 18:44:17
User: kobistay20
:::: Favorites

Russian Armenian Victor Oganov continues his konck out success 26-0-26

shanadee7 ::: Favorites
I don't know!!! Grant has been known as a slick boxer over the years. He made Jeff Lacy look stupid in there fight. Victor would be challenged by a guy with good legs like Ali-style. Other wise good power,and work rate.....
07-07-24 14:53:46
cstrait ::: Favorites
yeah, but butler couldn't fight. he could only hit. at elats oganov has basic skills. but yes, he would get knockoed out by someone like pascal or green, most likely.
07-08-04 15:35:36
kobistay20 ::: Favorites
07-08-05 12:18:56
scheka1984 ::: Favorites
is he russian?
07-08-09 13:03:05
kobistay20 ::: Favorites
mother is russian - father was armenian
07-08-10 04:47:09
adrianmcfarland ::: Favorites
lacy couldnt even knock him out and lacy hit him clean victor good
07-08-15 15:21:27
xxhasudin ::: Favorites
Oganov is going to have a tough time against Zuniga on Sept. 1. Zuniga's work ethic is amazing which might smuther Oganov.
07-08-15 17:14:29
jahbrake9791 ::: Favorites
oganov has incredible power however needs to develop some type of boxing skills. he doesnt move his head or his feet well and he needs to protect himself better when hes not punching. Grant pounded him a few good times in the first rd cuz of poor defense. hes a long way away from top contenders @ 168. and xxhasudin Zunigas work ethic was crushed by Kelly Pavlik in the 9th rd, who will move up after clearing all the belts @ 160
07-08-16 08:22:28
noface24 ::: Favorites
Impressive offensive skills. He's like a super middleweight version of Ricky Hatton. But I'd like to see him throw more straight rights, he threw nothing but hooks. Aside from that, he needs to move that head. Blocking punches with his hands and head won't be enough against tougher competition. Still, the guy has potential!
07-08-16 15:48:45
TheNinjaof10 ::: Favorites
ok defense ok power lacking boxing skill needs some polishing but will be interesting to see how well he can do in the states Victor Oganov good luck
07-08-16 16:24:21

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