Saturday, August 11, 2007

SoupMan's Full Resident Evil 4 FOR THE WII! walkthrough

Duration: 597 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-21 02:03:08
User: SoupMan2312
:::: Favorites

-I have a cold ._.- Part 1 of my walkthrough for the WWWIII! THE WIII! (Please know that I am the one that was the 1st one to think of doing a RE4 walkthrough , not fagboy69. I know there are several people who have done walkthroughs for RE4, but I decided to do this without being influenced by anybody else. Navyboy thinks otherwise because he steals everything I do and passes it off as his own, the unoriginal prick.) -ALSO if you like my videos, please, subscribe if you haven't already. Please? Subscribers mean the world to me, because it's like my ranking on youtube, and you can subscribe so that we can get back on navyboy for stealing all of my ideas! So please subscribe =D-

7m1a0x ::: Favorites
what does thar mean
07-08-01 00:42:31
xMATTSTERx ::: Favorites
nice walkthrough!! ill be sure to check out the condemed one as i love that game
07-08-01 10:50:19
DOTD33 ::: Favorites
hey nice job and do u no how long this game is because i got to the part when u find the girl and the f@#$@%^ idiot girl keep geting kid napped and i keep killing the girl any help? thx
07-08-02 17:16:12
scotty062295 ::: Favorites
fi she gets kidnapped just shoot em in the leg then they drop her and fall down then u shoot em to death
07-08-05 20:24:06
mustangb427 ::: Favorites
"oh god all i wanted some bacon" LOL
07-08-05 21:40:08
finalfarty ::: Favorites
hell yeah i watched navyboy's first walkthrough and he sucks you get into the game and he says a bunch of stuff that isnt about the game that are boring you are funny hahahaha
07-08-05 23:31:23
RifleGuy15 ::: Favorites
I am getting this version soon!
07-08-06 05:56:21
rocksword64 ::: Favorites
i subscribed!
07-08-07 19:47:46
hellokitteneater ::: Favorites
i subscribed i want to kill navyboy -.-
07-08-07 23:51:05
jackgerardkit ::: Favorites
07-08-11 01:36:36

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