Saturday, August 11, 2007

Aminals 2 edited

Duration: 654 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-22 13:00:58
User: fivefootmohawk
:::: Favorites

I edited the video more, cut out the begining and added some more video and cute pix. Enjoy :)

diesellover ::: Favorites
i like you, working sun to sundown ervery day with no cohice of a easier life ever, like my future will be soon, aint no way to work, if you have a chance, change your future now
07-01-22 14:34:53
fivefootmohawk ::: Favorites
i'm glad you like me :) hehe I'm not sure what you meant by change your future now. Do you work from sunup to sundown? What do you do? Did you choose your career or are you suck in your job?
07-01-22 14:49:37
diesellover ::: Favorites
gettin into construction
07-01-22 14:57:13
denalynnn ::: Favorites
EXCELLENT vid, it proves you are NOT a "guilty sinner", ooooo, you are wonderful in everything you do, your love for animals is perfect!Signed, "the stalker", HAHA!! I have a newfound love for your nicely put "hypochristianity"it fits the hammer to the nail! Take care,hon!<D>
07-01-22 16:44:32
fivefootmohawk ::: Favorites
Yeah... I'm a fuckin sucker for anything with a furry face. lol the stalker thats funny rofl :)
07-01-22 16:46:50
Salvatrucho213 ::: Favorites
For some reason I have a secret soft spot for animals and cats. They're soooo adorable!
07-02-02 02:10:31
fivefootmohawk ::: Favorites
aw, me too. I actually think people who dont like animals are kind of... dicks. At least from my experience.
07-02-02 06:42:42
etexas ::: Favorites
I HATE YOU, you have the best job ever LOL
07-02-10 02:29:59
Eagleuk111 ::: Favorites
I love animals ^^ i have 1 dog 2 guinea pigs 3 cats and last but by no means least!!! 2 GOLDFISH :D they rock :D
07-04-14 12:44:57

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