Sunday, April 13, 2008

Baby hatch deaths spark Germany debate - 30 Jan 07

Duration: 02:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-31 16:07:48

In Germany a controversial method of saving abandoned babies is facing new scrutiny. Mothers there can leave newborns in so-called baby hatches, with 31 left there in one city in the past six years. But now two infants have been found dead and some asking if the hatches are any use. Berlin has four baby hatches around the city. Tim Friend reports from the German capital on the debate surrounding them.


GhostofBrianJones  2008-04-03 21:49:02

I think the hatch is too far away from the hospital. It should be right up next to the doctor/nurse's desk along with a much better alarm and camera system. The mother should not have to give her name if she does not want to. The important thing is the care of the baby and adopting it out if warranted. Programs to assist pregnant women would be very helpful. There should be no more dead babies dying of exposure that is negligence on the part of the doctors and care facility.
aaweis22  2008-02-05 17:25:05

lol is't it part of democracy to abandon ur baby, abortion etc.. u have choice ryt then so what!!! (my opinion..very,very cruel how can the mother ever sleep in peace?!)
dgriebe  2008-02-04 06:18:19

Wrong, certainly not. Abandoned in a public toilet = death. In the hatch = life and perhaps a good chance of growing up in a good family. Who are you lot and who has given youo the right to be judge and jury. Not one human being on this earth has such a right given these circumstances these mothers are in. Help is being awarded to these children who otherwise may have found a sad and cruel death.
XxReachingJannahxX  2008-02-01 12:22:48

omg thats so wrong!
BIGMEL1981  2008-02-01 07:05:16

is this a valid method ... i think not ?

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