Friday, February 22, 2008

1st hit - Naudet Brothers

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-10 23:34:37
User: TheWebfairy

9/11 | wtc | conspiracy | AA11 | tv-fakery 


1st hit


BapestaB  2008-01-21 19:12:19

they were doing a documentary on firefighters in NYC, They just happened to be there at that time. Sure it's arguable but still, Tell me you never had a moment where you happened to be in the right place at the right time.(Just a metaphor by no means 9/11 was not right to happen)
Eldomina22  2008-01-19 16:01:51

I don't really know enough about all this and I don't really follow conspiracy theories but if you pause the video at 00:20, don't you think it's weird that it's positionally perfect? I mean, you could not have staged a better position to film the event happening.
BjorkBjorn  2007-12-07 15:39:19

I agree; everyone should judge for themselves. Review all available videos, audios and interviews, keeping in mind that all current media could have been altered by anyone, group or government, 'proving' their version of that very cruel and sad day. With enough information from ALL sources, one can use their inherent 'gut' feeling as to what really happened. That 'gut' feeling most of us have usually turns out to be somewhat to completely accurate.
BjorkBjorn  2007-12-07 12:28:54

Liar? There is no clearly visible plane or flight line into the tower, only a quick flash of white. Either this video was doctored to remove 'the' jet or to add a half-assed flash to represent 'the' jet. Then men at the beginning of the video are looking up following a noise - what created that noise is the question.
sodaphine  2007-12-06 20:37:41

Please, please, please take the time to research this yourself. Don't just believe what you are told. Find out if it is true. Think for yourself, research everything. If the official story is true, you have nothing to lose by researching it objectively and seeing if the pieces fit. A good place to start is WTC7. I hope you take the time to look into it seriously. I apologise for how it will change your life when you do.

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