Friday, August 10, 2007

Sims 2 rap contest!

Duration: 202 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 15:24:34
User: MyChemCrazy123
:::: Favorites

While we wait for me to kill the killer lets see some sims rap!!!

MyChemCrazy123 ::: Favorites
Plz commet!!!
07-07-29 16:35:45
thecoolkid234 ::: Favorites
LOL nice...that was funny, granny was the best
07-07-29 16:41:59
tinyalchemist ::: Favorites
Lol, this is funny. How do you do this anyways?
07-07-29 18:10:47
MyChemCrazy123 ::: Favorites
You have to have the university expansion pack
07-07-29 19:47:06
tinyalchemist ::: Favorites
Where do you get that?
07-07-29 21:04:23
MyChemCrazy123 ::: Favorites
wall-mart, best buy, circut city , e-bay
07-07-29 21:05:55
tinyalchemist ::: Favorites
But how did you make it into a video like that?
07-07-29 22:43:05
MyChemCrazy123 ::: Favorites
well you make ur sims rap and use the video camara in the game and put it all together.
07-07-30 13:19:41
tinyalchemist ::: Favorites
oic, okay, thanks.
07-07-30 19:14:51
MyChemCrazy123 ::: Favorites
ur welcome
07-07-30 22:13:03
tinyalchemist ::: Favorites
Joe Freak is the best btw.
07-07-29 18:13:56
ColeLover00 ::: Favorites
bobby freak!! hes the best!
07-08-08 18:32:10

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