Saturday, August 18, 2007

No Longer J-Lo

Duration: 05:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-07 19:03:54
User: TheYoungTurks
:::: Favorites

The Absolute Truth: Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Jill Pike. AT talks about how Jennifer Lopez's no longer goes by J-Lo. Watch live 12pm ET on

tecpaocelotl ::: Favorites
J.Lo sucks.
07-04-09 14:33:28
shiekfriek91 ::: Favorites
true j.ol does change up alot but chick in the vid act like there's no spanish speakers in the bronx....
07-04-09 18:15:06
Pablito2050 ::: Favorites
Jennifer Lopez is the best woman singer alive!
07-04-10 09:20:19
rubenny3f ::: Favorites
this is so racist man .. she is from puerto rican decent .. i grew up in the bronx, i'm also from puerto rican decent and i speak spanish .. it's apart of my culture .. how much did they get paid to trash her .. oh thats right nothing lmao !
07-04-10 23:16:43
XxXDRNdProudXxX ::: Favorites
there fucking racist and ignorant that white bitch needs to get slap
07-05-05 10:19:12
jethrodassam ::: Favorites
She put out one cd and all of a sudden she went Spanish? She's putting out an english cd later in the year, so calm down.
07-04-15 16:45:59
XxXDRNdProudXxX ::: Favorites
how about you guys change the name to absolut piece of shit? fucking ignorants you white bitch you need to come to the bronx the bronx it's not only black people there are a lot of different races here and they guy yo shut the fuck up straight up while you guys are wasting your time the made on the list more riches women at 110 millions dollars
07-05-05 10:16:14
XxXDRNdProudXxX ::: Favorites
it's fucking funny how people try to bash other people and yo the money you guys are barely making fix the background and fix evrything about it mother fuckers
07-05-05 10:18:36

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