Monday, August 13, 2007

How to make Tofu

Duration: 264 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-24 15:26:19
User: happyingodslove
:::: Favorites

make tofu at home

MrsKewlkruse ::: Favorites
Excellent video, looks like it's a lot cheaper to just do that than to buy pre-prepared tofu.
07-06-17 16:41:28
twido ::: Favorites
can it be made using granulated soy? does it work the same way?
07-06-28 16:36:26
videogrl123 ::: Favorites
The simplest way to make tofu. FANTASTIC!!
07-07-08 00:11:29
zirconce ::: Favorites
very clear, thks so much.
07-07-17 23:17:05
AkinaGod ::: Favorites
Where do you get the supplies to make tofu? I live in Reno Nevada and I can't find anything. Know a good website?
07-07-30 12:27:45
arthurlim2 ::: Favorites
thanks a lot
07-07-31 08:19:25
lightshow9 ::: Favorites
it's correctly called dobu not tofu. it's originally a product of Korea. Just wanted to point this out for you all.
07-07-31 18:25:39
KassurinReiChan ::: Favorites
The music was very pleasing! Also, may I ask why weather influences the time needed to soak?
07-08-05 19:34:09
dragonprimaveral ::: Favorites
Seeing this video I would think is easy to do tofu. I will try anyway. But someone know if I can use milk in dust from the supermarkets to replace the milk to do tofu.
07-08-08 15:09:06
thatoneguyonline ::: Favorites
A faster way to make soy milk before boiling it is to use a soy milk maker. It cuts the time way down. You don't have to blend and filter with cheese cloth, the soy milk maker does it all. That's the biggest block of tofu I've ever seen!
07-08-11 10:42:30

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