Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Hopes

Duration: 338 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-14 05:10:47
User: 2akopilag
:::: Favorites

a really weird family

topercat ::: Favorites
Was this really from a 12-13 year-old? There's very dark morbid humour here that I'd have expected from someone much older. I rate this as outstanding! Incredible that Galipoka produced such powerful stuff, even if that wasn't the intention. Fascinating, gripping, thought-provoking.
07-07-14 07:59:13
toastyplatters ::: Favorites
Yyyeeeaah, man. Kid's stuff aint for sissies anymore!
07-07-15 20:45:17
pyroguy15 ::: Favorites
07-07-20 23:54:19
rockblahboop ::: Favorites
that was awesome! GALIPOKA RULES!
07-07-14 12:39:56
Alexis116 ::: Favorites
this is the wort galipoka video i think,i like the other ones
07-07-14 16:31:55
Coolpal39 ::: Favorites
that was the interesting this about this young man, his vivid imagination his versitility.
07-07-14 17:05:11
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
Circula is a stupid character.
07-07-14 22:22:18
kaltherz88 ::: Favorites
loved the piano song!
07-07-15 12:00:11
valerie4789 ::: Favorites
galipoka is amazing, and i never liked this video much at all, but after wtachiung it now, i find a lot of the humor in it! how does galipoka not have his own sitcom by now?!?!?! WE MISS YOU!
07-07-21 02:24:20
esman516 ::: Favorites
do you happen to know if this was posted in 2006 or 2007 (By the real galipoka)
07-07-29 21:33:30

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