Sunday, August 12, 2007


Duration: 462 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-21 10:23:57
User: pmpfe
:::: Favorites

parafuso hitler

winfriedstar ::: Favorites
türken raus, nazis rein, türen zu und gas hinein lol (spaß)
07-03-26 16:29:45
coope14 ::: Favorites
Über warum sprechen wir über etwas dieses happend 50 Jahren vor? Der Mann ist, Krieg ist überblah blah blah!! tot!
07-04-12 22:06:13
pacozalvez ::: Favorites
se ve mal
07-04-22 22:00:47
SystemOfADown1321 ::: Favorites
GO go go go go hitler it's your birthday gonna party like it's your birthday :D
07-05-11 02:38:05
safm213 ::: Favorites
fuck hitler.he wasnt even german he was jewish.....fuck him he's burning in hell..........
07-06-21 02:33:41
consdaple68 ::: Favorites
google video rhonhof
07-07-07 06:42:57
nuworldorder ::: Favorites
To all TRUE Europeans when will we unite to expel foriegn nationals? Must bombs explode in your city before you heed the calling? When will you realize the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape foreign nationals?
07-07-10 16:43:48
nuworldorder ::: Favorites
The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victim to a great lie than to a small one. The liberal media and propaganda has created the greates of lies and alienated true Europeans and their national pride. Now foreign nationals are the darling of the enemy, now they are my enemy....
07-07-13 03:31:05
SpongeJosh ::: Favorites
lol, he is Jewish, therefore, Germany was another israel???
07-07-21 03:31:33
SpongeJosh ::: Favorites
meinst du das wirklich ernst? lol, ich mach spaß. "...Lebt heir, eine Judin! eine Judin!" rofl, der war ein jüdisches Pinkeln.
07-07-21 03:37:50

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