Friday, August 17, 2007

Cristina Scabbia!

Duration: 03:02 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-24 12:25:38
User: lostprophetgirl
:::: Favorites

Cristina Scabbia

rattaplan ::: Favorites
Totally agree. It was her voice that attracted me to LC in the first place. It was an added bonus that she looked great too.
07-07-22 08:41:00
555MARCUS666 ::: Favorites
people, cristina in the finest woman that forgiegn. period in my opioion. her voice is the best in any femals vocaling, that actually has leody in it. and her figure, wew, its almost perfect to. im not obseesed, but damn, it cant get any better, especially with that accent.
07-07-24 19:53:55
clevelandec ::: Favorites
is christina a man? I mean really,,and if she is, does that me you guys are gay?
07-07-27 22:57:39
rattaplan ::: Favorites
What a silly question. Of course she's not a man, you dork. I'm also not gay. Why you wanna know anyway; are you looking for a friend or something?
07-07-28 06:00:13
clevelandec ::: Favorites
no but my dog is
07-07-28 17:50:19
Nushif ::: Favorites
@ClevelandEC: She's a woman, you like barbies. We understand.
07-07-29 12:53:41
1304880852 ::: Favorites
how 35 years old can look like 20 years.. but damn she´s hot!
07-08-01 16:06:06
Silent2000 ::: Favorites
She's perfect *.*
07-08-10 16:27:15
Silent2000 ::: Favorites
My mom is Cristina too and she's younger than Scabbia...I want Scabbia to be my mother *.*
07-08-10 16:30:46
brainless616 ::: Favorites
OMFG! hahaha!she's young hahaha damn the cunt is 35 that ain't young she's close to her menopause, she's talanted in what? prenteding sex-noise cuz I don't know how to call what you consider singin'.She's a writer nice and I can read and write know how use a fork and a knife and I go pee all by myself yay!Damn she's so ugly blaahh and soo fat! she looks like a transvestite!No she/he is one! and you little kidz just commit suicde for being bling,tasteless and retarded bu take that cunt with you!
07-08-13 04:07:18

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