Sunday, April 13, 2008


Duration: 02:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-24 08:32:09

auto lvls= that u dont have to do anything.. its a pretty cool vid made by ME


aanthony100  2008-03-23 20:32:12

u play runescape i see?
TheBilliard  2008-03-15 18:46:16

sorry said the same thing twice.............
carlorowan  2008-03-15 02:49:24

that code uploading was on purpose, so u know when its gonna start. if u want the cursor i can send it to you ;)
TheBilliard  2008-03-14 19:00:37

Nice but edit your clips next time so we don't see you load your track. Also move your cursor off the screen, its not that hard!
TheBilliard  2008-03-14 18:57:09

Nice but next time use Windows Movie Maker or iMovie to edit the clips so we don't see you uploading the track. Also, Move your cursor off the screen area or set Hypercam to not record your cursor. But I got to admit, the sword cursor is pretty cool.

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